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Scandinavian Modern

1950s Modernist Abstract Side Plates Wall Plates UK Design Ceramic Pottery

1950s Modernist Abstract Side Plates Wall Plates UK Design Ceramic Pottery

Regular price $124.00 BND
Regular price $124.00 BND Sale price $124.00 BND
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This design is probably by John Russell, who was a prolific designer in early modernist ceramic design in the UK, and worked for the Empire pottery group. These side plates are dated 1958.

The design is influenced by the Festival of Britain of 1951, and held in London. It created an era in UK of new - Scandinavian influenced - modern design.

The festival had introduced European, and especially Scandinavian design to consumers and designers in the UK.

The plates are hand finished - the makers mark is on the underside of some of these plates. The design uses a transfer process for the illustrations.

In a super modern abstract design - and wonderful atonal colours black and red. The design gives a lovely flat lushness to the pottery.

Very usable as side plates but make wonderful wall hanging too - beautiful.

If you are intending to hang from the wall please let me know and I will supply non damaging, invisible, wall hanging discs.

The condition is very good vintage but one plate has chip to underneath not visible from the front. 

W: 17cm

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